Scottish Weaving Sampler Workshop with Melissa Weaver Dunning
21 May 12:00 PM
Until 23 May, 05:00 PM 2d 5h

Scottish Weaving Sampler Workshop with Melissa Weaver Dunning

Exchange Place 4812 Orebank Rd, Kingsport, TN

Experience several Scottish weaving traditions while you sample traditional tartans, tweeds and district check patterns. The timeless beauty of traditional Scottish tartans is so appealing and weaving colorful tartan is great fun. Tweed cloth has been woven in Scotland for centuries using natural sheep colors and local plant dyes that imitate the colors of the heather hills. The earliest simple patterned cloth was the Shepherd’s Check, from which many simple variations have been created. All were woven in quantity to clothe their groundsmen, grooms and foresters; even Downton Abbey has a registered tweed pattern! this workshop includes a slide lecture on tartan and tweed history and instruction in translating tartan setts into warp plans. The round robin class will produce a notebook of samples for future independent exploration.

2.5 day Round Robin class on prepared looms

*PRIORITY given to active Guild members*

Scottish Sampler Workshop Registration Form

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